How to Remove Algae Stains from Pool Walls

Springs on a nice cool pool give a great source of enjoyment as well as minimizes summer heat. Yet the proper maintenance of the pool is sometimes much difficult, especially in algae stains. The algae grow naturally in pools and make the pool dirty. So a systemic maintains the need for cleaning up the algae stains.

Usually, removing algae is not a tough job; but it’s difficult to remove algae’s stain, particularly its hard spot. Due to some organic metal mix up the pool water, these algae stain happen. If you maintain your pool cleaning regularly, you can expel from the problem quickly.

So if you want to get your pool beautiful again, you should have to be concern about its routine based washing.

So classify the causes of your algae stain by looking at their color. After identifying all sorts of pool stain, now we are talking about their clear methods.

How to Remove Algae Stains from Pool Walls

There are various colors of algae that appear in your swimming pool. You will need the right direction to remove it, but it depends on the stain’s cause. The two main stain categories are metal and organic-based stains, which come in a mixture of colors.

Types of Algae Stain on Your Pool

Usually, there have four types of stain you notice on your swimming pool and pool sidewall. It creates confusion on your inner mind that what exactly you are looking at when you notice the stain on your poolside. So at first, you need to diagnose the stain by checking out its color types.

Organic stain: Organic stain is typically green or brown color stain. So it is easy to diagnose this stain. It grows when a lot of leaves fall inside the pool and then leave marks on the pool. Thus the simple way to identify the stain is by raising the chlorine for a day or so. Keep in mind that you need to apply the chlorine directly to it. And if it will go away smoothly if it’s really organic.

Metal stain:  This stain is usually found in your pool, which can be both iron and copper-based. You have a corroded copper pipe in your pool water line for the source of water.

And that Mattel equipment also causes stain. So if you want to diagnose this stain, you need to apply ascorbic acid -vitamin powder on the stain. And it will give you the exact confirmation of the stain remove or even lighten the stain.

Calcium stain: When the calcium hardness gets so high, then pool calcium level and water PH balance become imbalance. It creates a white, gray stain around the pool plaster. When your pool has built up this stain, you need to identify which kind of calcium you are inflicted with as there are two types of calcium buildup in a pool, calcium carbonate and calcium silicate. The calcium carbonate is white and flanks, where calcium silicate is white gray.

Now, if you want to see what type of calcium stain builds up on your pool, you need a few drops of muriatic acid. After dropping over them, calcium silicate won’t react at all, and calcium carbonate changes its color.

Removing the Organic Stain from the Pool

This typical organic stain needs to be removed as part of cleaning. Usually, cleaning this stain is not hard, but if your pool water color turns into a dull light brown color, it will be difficult to remove it.

Notice one thinks carefully whether your pool is situated under any trees. So it would be best if you pooled skimmer regularly to remove all the trees leaves, fruits, or whatever fallen into the pool. You can also use a pool vacuum to remove any other garbage or organic debris from pool water. If the stain is at the waterline, you need scrub with ascorbic acid or any other acid-based cleanser. This is a very effective cleaning method for organic stain. This cleansing method is mainly done in the winter season as the pool water can be drained.

Another step is cleaning with chlorine. Add a proper amount of chlorine on the stain and scrub with the help of a brush. It works magically on the stain.

Now Removing the Metal Stains

As we know that this stain is found both in iron and copper base in the pool. So the pool-related metal equipment should be clean first. So ascorbic acid, known as vitamin c can remove those metal stains from the poolside. Rub a vitamin c capsule into the stain areas and leave it for few minutes. Keep up until the stain become lighten.

Drop the small amount of ascorbic acid evenly over the surface of the stained area of the water. It would be best if you were concern about the measurement of ascorbic acid; you may use ½ pound of it for per 10,000 gallons of pool water.

After that processing, recheck the pool condition. If they are still visible here, reapply some ascorbic acid and let the filter circulate system for a half- hour.

Removing Calcium Stain

Use a pumice stone, stain eraser, or scale remover is the best way to remove calcium stain in your pool wall. You should use a pumice stone on hard surfaces, such as concrete and tiles wall. Just scrubs on the calcium stain, but you have to be careful to prevent scratching on the wall. Although pumice stone is a reliable way to remove calcium stain, it needs a lot of hard work with scratching the pool wall. So it would be better to contact a pool service provider to solve this problem.

Many commercial pool manufacturers recommend using stain erasers that will remove calcium carbonate stain. It is made to be applied in a specific area, so you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Last and Most Accessible Solution

While you are on the swimming pool, carry a towel or microfiber brush with you and scrub that pool’s wall area. You can do it a minimum twice a week. Regular base cleaning provides a fruitful result to remove all kinds of stain from the pool. Removing algae stain, you should figure out the stain category of your pool. And by maintaining all the above steps, you can solve the algae stain problems accurately.

How do you remove algae stains from pool plaster

Algae stains are a common problem with plaster pools. These unsightly and unwanted algae stains can be removed by following these simple steps.

  • Remove the visible algae from pool surface, to do this scrub the affected areas with an abrasive brush or use muriatic acid diluted in water (1/2 cup of muriatic acid per 1 gallon of water).
  • If you have problems removing all traces of the stain, apply more muriatic acid solution to that area and scrub it using a stiff bristle brush.
  • Rinse thoroughly until there is no evidence left of any algae staining on surfaces.

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